Bulk digital gift card platform for businesses
Over 1,800 retailers. Custom branding. Fast and free. Save 15 hours a month sending digital gift cards and prepaid cards.
Trusted by over 10,000 companies big and small
A huge, global selection
Offer bulk electronic gift cards to over 1,800 retailers around the globe, including Amazon in 20+ countries, Starbucks, and Target. Plus digital Visa cards that work in over 200 countries.
Sending is a breeze
Pick the virtual gift cards you want to offer, customize with your own message and corporate branding, then upload recipients by spreadsheet, API, or integration.
Go global
We show options tailored to the recipient's location in 200+ countries.
Easy admin
Conveniently handle approvals, invoicing, W-9 collection, and more — at no charge.
Automated sending
Use our integrations to instantly send rewards through the apps you already use.
Discounts for big senders
Accounts sending over $200k/year may qualify for cheaper-than-free pricing.
End-to-end support
If you or your recipients hit a snag, our top-notch support team is quick to help.